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Cap'n Crunch and Quaker Oats

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The character was created by Allan Burns, who became known for co-creating The Munsters and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The commercials themselves were originally produced by Jay Ward Productions. Quaker Oats had a marketing plan for Cap'n Crunch, before it had developed the cereal. The product line is heralded by a cartoon mascot named Cap'n Crunch. Cap'n Crunch is depicted as a late 18th-century naval captain, an elderly gentleman with white eyebrows and a white moustache, who wears a Revolutionary-style naval uniform: a bicorne hat emblazoned with a "C" and a gold-epauletted blue coat with gold bars on the sleeves. While typically an American naval captain wears four bars on his sleeves, the mascot has been variously depicted over the years wearing only one bar (ensign), two bars (lieutenant), or three bars (commander).
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